Sunday, July 10, 2011


Packing for the road trip!



Clara's first camping experience

Redwood National Park
The ocean

Driving through a Redwood                  
The cute little B&B we stayed in on Highway One

Clara's sleeping bag

A waterfall we hiked up to

Hearst Castle

It's Been a While!

I haven't blogged for a while... Sorry about that. A lot has happened. We went on vacation along the coast of California all the way up to the Redwood National Park and back, we visited Kansas City, my baby girl turned one year old, and we found out we are pregnant!

Whew! That was the short version of the catch-up.

Our Vacation
As soon as Matt finished his first trimester in school we all needed a vacation, so we packed our bags and headed towards the Redwood National Park. Our first night we stayed in Sacramento, The City of Trees. We visited the capitol and spend time in the park there where there was every type of tree imaginable.
The next day we made it all the way up to the Redwood National Park. Breathtakingly beautiful. And then we started our journey back home down highway 101 and 1 along the scenic highways through beautiful forests and along the coast. We camped several nights either on the beach or in beautiful parks, the other nights we enjoyed hot showers and warm beds :) We hiked and visited some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

Kansas City
We have started a new adventure in our lives. Matt is taking a break from school to help build our income and take care of us for a while. We decided to drive to Kansas City and tell our family and friends about this exciting new time in our lives. It was a great trip and good to see everyone.

She turned one! I still can't believe it. I still don't believe that we are parents or that she has been with us for an entire year! Everyone told me that it would go by faster than I could imagine. I didn't believe them when I was exhausted from having a baby, and getting up every 2 hours to feed/change Clara, but now I believe you all! She is a blast. She is learning new things every day. She makes me smile all day long.

Baby #2
We are extremely excited to have a second child. What a joy it is to have children! We just don't know how we will handle all of the cuteness at once! I have been feeling pretty good this pregnancy, in comparison to my pregnancy with Clara. The morning sickness is not nearly as bad as with Clara and it lasted until about 14 weeks with her. I am about 11 weeks now and am starting to feel a little bit more energy and a lot less nauseousness. I am hoping this means it is a boy **fingers crossed**

I think that about sums it up! Pictures to follow.